Originally Posted by Lorel
FWIW, not all troops do a lot of hiking. My son's unit camps every month year round, but rarely goes on a hike.

From what you have shared, your son would not be the shrinking violet who would sit there and be quiet while someone molested him. He's so articulate. If the troop follows the 2-deep leader protocol (which they should always be doing) he shouldn't even get into a 1:1 situation that could lead to abuse.

I have read and heard many places the best defense against child predators is to have articulate, confident children. Child predators tend to seek out loners. I would verify they follow 2-deep leader protocol - every kid's group my kids go to does and I would be surprised if they didn't.

I am training to be a campfire leader right now and they do a full background check before you're certified. I'd be surprised if boy scouts doesn't do the same.

I was an extremely uncoordinated kid and I'm sure I would have qualified for PT/OT if I were born now. It's a joke in our family that I could never skip and my kindergarten teacher was concerned. Anyway, I gained my love of being active by being outdoors, camping, listening to loons on lakes, etc. I'm glad your son is willing to try. I think he might surprise himself if he sticks with it!