Here is another scouting story. I have so many...

We took a late fall trip up into a Wilderness Area. The scoutmaster dropped about 40 of us off with two college kids who were former Eagle Scouts. The objective was to hike over a ridge and then down into a lake where we would be picked up in two days on Sunday.

We made camp and had fun playing games and cooking and then sat around telling ghost stories.

At midnight, one of the men had a premonition something was wrong at home, so two of us walked out with him so he could call home. sure enough, his child had swallowed poison and he had to leave, so we hiked back by ourselves in the dark.

The next morning, we hiked over the ridge to the lake, which was frozen over. We played "ice hockey" on the lake for hours, then the scoutmaster showed up, and wanted to take our picture.

Now, we had played on this lake ALL DAY, so when he asked us to stand on the ice for a "group" picture, we complied without thinking.

Just as we gathered together and the scoutmaster said, "Say Cheese!" and clicked the button, great cracks of ice appeared in the ice and a loud series of booms filled the air!!!

We all ran screaming from the ice!! And then laughed really hard on the shore!!

And yes, the picture showed us running, faces in terror, towards the camera!!