Well, my son has been diagnosed with AD/HD but I'm not happy with the diagnosis. I've come to believe that AD/HD is really just a collection of behaviors that teachers don't like. There are so many different subtypes that anyone can truly be diagnosed with AD/HD now. Underneath that AD/HD label, there could be sooo many different things going on. Examples are the things listed by crisc: sensory, giftedness and also, immaturity. So, I think what you've really learned here is that your doctor isn't going to help you. That's usually the case, I think. So, you are going to have to get to the bottom of it yourself AND you're going to have to do something right now to make things better.
For right now, I'd try fish oil and 123 Magic (the book) and remove most dairy. I'd also find someone to teach you the wilbarger protocol. Amazing results with impulsivity. None of these things can hurt a normal child but you may get results with one of them.
For long term, I would try to figure out what is triggering her. What excites her and makes her impulsive? It could be a certain type of activity or sensory stimulation. It could be something that just cycles with time. You'll have to put those days on the calender and see what's going on. Also, what's going on with her intelligence and academic needs? Does your daughter suddenly behave when she's learning something interesting?

We started fish oil about a week ago, and I have noticed an improvement. I didn't think about cutting out dairy, though. I have always used the 1 2 3 magic with my kids, and I will look into wilbarger protocol.....can I google that?
As far as what excites her and makes her impulsive......she just seems to not know how to stop herself from grabbing things off a shelf at the store, coloring on things she shouldn't, and basically doing things she knows are wrong/not allowed. At 5, she is still putting non-food items in her mouth (marbles, money). And I can't let her play with any type of scarf, boa, pet leash, rope because she will wrap them around her neck or body.

Sensory issues??? It scares the junk out of me.
She loves older kids, and seems most engaged and behaved with them. But she will tend to show off, and be very hyper too.