Sounds like a horrid experience with an uncaring doctor. My son also goes by a middle nickname - and they always call him by it even when I put his first name on the insurance forms - and that's whether I write his nickname down or just tell them.

We took DS6 to see the certified neurologist chiropractor Friday. He recommended up for 2000mg a day of Omega - and you have to know whether its 2000mg of the actual Omega, or just 2000mg of fish oil in general. He gave DS6 exercises to do to strengthen the right side of his brain after doing several physical tests.

I agree on the eye issues. Behaviorial and sensorial therapists are trained to see more than an Optometrist. I would never relay on just an Optometrist anyway - always go to ped. Opthamologist/Surgeon if possible - for more training/better opinion. If we had only relied on an Optometrist or the Pediatrician who checked hearing, eyesight in general DS6's amblyopeia (SP) (wandering eye) issue would probably have gone overlooked as they kept on telling us from birth onwards that infants and toddlers eyes don't always behave correctly when they are young! I suspected from birth that one eye was moving way too much!

I still haven't put DS6 on drugs - not even to try them. I know that's worked for some Mom's here - but it should be the last resort.