We too do most of our hs in the morning. We try to do math and LA every day Mo-Th and then whatever we feel like. Some days we cover more some days less. Friday is DS6's day. He is free to choose whatever he wants to do as long as I find it educational.
DS6 spends 2 afternoons in a small private school. He takes piano and goes to gymnastics. He attends weekend gt classes. We have a French tutor. We have 2-3 playdates each week not counting the weekends. We did one hs class but it's over now. We intended to take 1-2 next year.
I am not sure how much $$$ we've spent on hs. I believe DS6 would still take piano, gymnastics and gt classes even if he were in school. Perhaps we wouldn't do French. Then there are books and different programs but that's much less than the classes he takes.
I too liked the book by Lisa Rivero and own the "What should your x grader know."
The nice thing is that you don't really have to get it right at the beginning. As a matter of fact I wouldn't even attempt to get everything right. Start with one subject find a good match and go from there. If you get a chance borrow some of the hs material before you purchase it.
The resources we found useful this year
Singapore - regular workbook and Challenging Word Problems
All About Spelling
Wordly Wise
CyberEd (unfortunately no longer available through the hs co-op

enchantedLearning.com is a great source of maps, tests, exercises, articles, crafts, etc.
http://www.sheppardsoftware.comhas priceless geography games