I guess we are a little different - we were thrown into homeschooling because there were no real choices for my DS6 for kindergarten - so we started homeschooling in August this year. We started out with Singapore math and I-Science, Handwriting without Tears along with Core Knowledge curriculum for Science and Social Studies. We battled every day to get work done and neither one of us was enjoying it and we are miserable.....the more I tried to push to do any work, the more he resisted....so after the holidays we began unschooling...which basically means he picks what he would like to pursue during the day and talk about a complete reversal! He is doing more math, science, social studies, art, reading than when I was trying to do a curriculum with him.
Good, Belle! I'm so glad you found something that works for you!
You are a perfect example of why I think that reading up on types of homeschooling available is a good idea.

If you know that unschooling makes sense for your child and your family, then you can practice it. If not, you keep slogging away with "school at home" or Classical HSing, until you're all miserable and wondering why it doesn't work for you.
If you're all miserable, it may mean you're doing it wrong. (For you, I mean. Not wrong in general. LOL!)