I don't have a lot of time for a real long answer either - very sick kid at our house today!

But I'll do my best.
We have a math, history, and science curriculum that we kind of follow when we feel like it. Math we're pretty regimented about - everything else is up in the air. My son takes piano, which I count as music and as an art. And it's also history sometimes too! We are very casual and rarely do table kind of work for more than an hour or 2 a day. We also attend a co-op once a week. My son journals everyday too on various things - book reports, directed questions on things we're working on, grammar, creative writing. We also using writing without tears to learn cursive (DS is not the best writer). He is in 2nd grade. He uses the computer a lot - for research, math games, typing papers.
I never imagined us homeschooling 2 years ago. The school work part of it has actually been the easy part! It's the running here there and every where that has been kind of a pain at our house. We have lots of field trips and extras available in our area.
Good luck! I will say, homeschooling definitely gave us our son back! I can't say exactly how much we spend total with all the extras but the curriculum books I've selected tend to be pretty inexpensive. Especially good, since I use them fairly loosely. They tend to be more guidance for me. We use our library and the internet a lot.