Originally Posted by Isa
I would buy books on Montessori method and tried to get as educated on them as you can, almost as if you were becoming a teacher. That way, you understand much better the method and your gut feeling will tell you if this will work on your DD.

I second this as well!

Also, what is VERY informative is just sitting in the class observing. (If you have the luxury of time) Just sitting for a while "like a fly on the wall" can tell you way more about how the teachers conduct themselves with the kids than pat answers to questions.

Originally Posted by oneisenough
I did ask the teachers if she would be allowed to move onto a task in which she had not completed the prerequisite taks for and the answer was no. They said they need to see "for their charts" (?) that she can complete the easier tasks.

By itself, this is a red flag

Originally Posted by oneisenough
They said they would not make her do them over and over, but she should show them she has the easier (I'm not sure if easier was the word they used) tasks mastered.
Only a little reassuring.

This may sound insensitive but the only way you will know for sure is to try it. And then give it a month or two.

If she *hates* you could pull her out quickly.
Or she might like it. If for nothing else than the novelty (as it is different than what you usally do)

My DSalmost5 loves his Montessori and it was a life saver for us. But I think in some ways, he is ready to move on soon.
Nothing is fixed for very long with some of our kids.

Do you think the potential positives for your daughter outweigh the potential negatives? If you are very aware of the what the negatives are you should be able to catch them if they crop up.