I, or rather DD, was one with very bad experience in a Montessori school and yes, at the end it is the teacher that matters. I would ask if she would be allowed to do activities even if the teacher thinks they are too hard your your DD and if the teacher would be flexible to combine 2 or 3 presentations into one.
As well, in a Montessori environment the child is supposed to do activity 1, then activity 2, then 3, etc. in a very structured way. So I would ask if DD could jump steps and go to the 3 directly.
I would buy books on Montessori method and tried to get as educated on them as you can, almost as if you were becoming a teacher. That way, you understand much better the method and your gut feeling will tell you if this will work on your DD. Do not ignore your gut feeling. I did and it was a very bad idea...