And the saga continues...
Tomorrow is the meeting with the 1st grade teacher and the principal. I'm still not sure if the K teacher is also attending.
I got a phone call around 3pm today from the principal. The teacher is concerned that I had asked to observe the class from 12:30pm till our meeting time at 1:45pm. She was very, very concerned about what I was looking for and why did I need to stay so long. I told the principal that since DS6 would be dropped back off at school at 12:30pm after his counseling appt. I didn't see the need to drive 20 minutes to work to turn around and come back to a 1:45pm meeting. I also told her I thought it would be nice to see DS6 in the classroom and let him show me his work and introduce me to his friends. I never thought it was going to be a huge deal but the principal told me that the teacher was concerned that DS6 might act different and the other children might act different with me there. She was also concerned that I might not see what I needed/or expected to see because it was a Friday afternoon. I am actually more worried now that the teacher is so paranoid about me visiting the class. When I got off the phone with the principal she said she was so glad to have called me to hear my intentions and obviously I know now that the teacher did not paint my visit in a good light.
In other news DS6 told me he was pulled aside today for a reading test with a book that had "lots of words on one page but was still very short and easy" and earlier this week he was pulled out of class for a spelling test with "40 words that were easy". He said he had to spell words like sister, strike, and boil. I guess they figure they should assess him before the meeting tomorrow.

DS6 also says that he has not had any other testing like this at all this year. I'm very curious to see the results tomorrow.