Originally Posted by Grinity
Originally Posted by oneisenough
I think 1/2 of me wants to keep her home, but I think that might be for selfsih reasons, but I don't know. The other 1/2 wants her to go to school because I am not sure I can giver her everything she needs, including socializing.

Onsie - Can you 'journal' abit about what selfish reasons you think might be influencing you?

Also, how many hours per day/ days per week are these programs.

Alllllso, (sorry to sound like a broken record here) Socializing with peers is important. But, are you likely to find kids that will motivate her to reach out and share herself with at an age-based program? No. So if by socialized you mean for her to follow other adults, just make sure that the other adults are of a similar LOG as your daughter.

Observe, Observe, Observe!


ok....hmmm journaling on why I feel I might have selfish reasons for her to stay home with me. I guess a part of me just thinks it might be easier for her to be home with me. I won't have to worry about all of this. I won't have to worry that she is being treated properly, or is happy...I know she is happy with me at home! I think some of the selfishness is also me just not wanting to deal with what most parents have to deal with when there child goes to school. How do I check on her and make sure everything is ok, what if everything isn't ok, what if somehow my choice of programs for her has in some way changed her in a negative way. Isn't this all so much easier if I can stay in my bubble and not send her! BUT and a big but here, I really think that she might like school at some point...as for this fall or next fall,I don't know. So if I think she might thrive in a preschool environment, then how can I be selfish and hold her back...well I can't.

The montessori program I am looking at these days is 3 afternoons per week (not sure how naps would work) for 2.5 hours per day. It is called an introduction to Montessori Preschool. The full preschool program is 5 mornings per week, but other than the time, they are the same program. The play based programs I have been looking at are 2 or 3 mornings (2.5 hours) per week.

I guess by socialize, I mean being comfortable in the same room as other kids, without me there. I would like to her learn to talk with other kids, want to sit with them, share etc. Right now she plays with her cousin (very gifted) of the same age and other than that she doesn't really show any interest in wanting to be around other kids. At kindergyms she does her thing and once in a while drops what she is doing (playing in a tunnel, building a tower etc) because other kids come to join her. Soemtimes she even seems scared of the other kids. So, I guess I was thinking mainly of learning to have fun with other kids, besides her cousin. Maybe a play based preschool would be better for that...or maybe a small preschool of only 7 or 8 kids.

orrrrr maybe she will just stay home with me...always the easiest! lol It's so hard to trust someone with her. I'm not sure why...I guess because she is my only child, but I only trust my mom and my husband with her and now I have to leave her with basically a stranger?!

ok enough of this rambling! Thank you all forgiving me a place to type! I don't expect this to be replied to...if anything, it is a valuble exercise for me to just type without thinking and try to clear up my thoughts! Didn't work this time, but maybe next time! lol