Some are really good. I know Wren loves their Montessori school, and there are others out there who had extremely good experiences, too.

Even ours wasn't all bad--they did let him move ahead eventually. It just took them until January to figure out that when I said "He's reading books and has been for a year now," that I MEANT IT! That was really frustrating, and it wasted half the year. My son did absolutely no language arts in that school for half the year! He did other things, of course, but it seems ridiculous to me that they didn't know he knew his letters because they ignored me and were requiring him to go lockstep through their activities.

But that's about that one school and that one teacher. It just shows that all Montessori schools aren't great for HG+ kids, not that all Montessori schools are bad for HG+ kids. I don't think either is true.

I would never bash any one pre-K method. You can't paint all of them with a single brush like that. It really does come down to the specific school and the specific teacher and if they get the child, regardless of method.
