I have to ask if anyone else is anxious about the future of their child, and education, etc. I would imagine that most parents are in general...but personally I go through spurts, it comes and goes. My DS is only 4, turned 4 a few months ago. At times I don't even worry about things and tell myself that school will be fine and no need to worry...but then he does things that are just Sooooo far out of the realm of what other children his age do that I will suddenly become concerned about his future and what is going to happen when he starts K.

It doesn't help that I work with children this age all day, so I see where they are at. It doesn't help that I have never met a child that is anywhere near whatever LOG he is (or even gifted in general). It doesn't help that I am not gifted. But if he is reading anything and everything, doing all sorts of math equations for fun, learning parts of speech on his own, building "contraptions" for fun, and playing music on his piano that he taught himself to play, etc, etc, etc...and Kindergarten is still a year away? What new skills will he learn in the next year...and what on earth will they do with him in K? In a class with 25+ students and most likely one teacher, how much "differentiated instruction" can possibly be provided? We live in one of the worst possible states to live in for gifted education, and don't have money for private or montessori schools, and our home district is an average district with no gifted programming. And homeschooling isn't an option because I truly have to work to put food on the table. So what are the options here? I don't mean to sound like I am whining...but thought I would share and get some feedback to see if anyone else can relate to concerns about their child's education.