So how are things working out for your DS now? I do think that K will be very disappointing to my DS. When he was 3 he started a pre-k program a few hours a week. He was so excited about going that I asked what he was so excited about, his response was "I am excited that I can get a history book at school and learn about history" Yeah, there were obviously no history books in that class.

Anyhow, I must ask how people do afterschooling. This may seem strange, but I have never taught my child anything...other than through play and daily interactions. What I mean is while he does know tons of things, I have never sat down to teach him anything. I think he may enjoy it...but I am not sure where to start and frankly there is a part of me that is afraid to teach him anything because that will just make the gap that much bigger when he gets to K. Is that horrible of me? It's not like I am trying to dumb him down...but not encouraging academic learning unless he asks me about it. Like he was asking about parts of speech the other day, so I talked to him a little about it, and we have looked up things together (like last year when he was repeatedly asking about how doorbells actually work). Anyhow, do people that afterschool do a curriculum, or how do they do this?