Rachibaby, I can relate so closely to your post! At 5 my DS(now9) was intensly intense as well as competitive beyond belief. Although I am not single parenting and have a wonderful support system with my parents living in the same house and In Laws within 15 minutes, there were times I locked myself in the bathroom (DS learned how to pick the lock with a lego spear...), tuned him out when he talked nonstop and felt like a worthless mother.

As far as the competitive nature problem: after a couple years, we realized that the issue was not that he cared about being first into the car, park, movies etc., it was more that he coudn't differentiate between being first in that way and doing the best he could in activites. He was sort of hard wired to think being first meant he was doing his best. It took alot of time and quiet time talks to get him to understand that polite manners and appropriate behavior are a better way to be "First". Sadly, we still haven't managed to get away from the perfectionist attitude and need to be first but we have made alot of progress in terms of general manners and respecting each other's quiet time.

One of the reasons DS talked non stop was that he couldn't determine what was the main idea he wanted to express. To him everything was equally important. We started telling him when he was doing this that he was doing a running commentary to make him aware. Over several months with just the reminder that he was "commentating", he started to get better at summarizing and picking out the important things. He still talks constantly while he plays with legos and such, but he no longer prefaces every comment with mom, Mom, MOM!

I fully agree with the suggestions to try to find ways to take time for yourself!

Take care and good luck!