Originally Posted by delbows
The sixth grade teachers and curriculum are out-standing at our school. I don�t want him to miss the study of ancient Greek, Roman, Egyptian and Asian civilizations. Literature class focuses on world mythology which he loves. My daughter developed excellent multi-tasking skills in sixth grade due to all the required projects. DS greatly admires the 6th grade teacher who taught him math last year and hopes to have her as his homeroom teacher, although he clearly wants to attend math class with the junior high math instructor. He really is in need of a positive student-teacher relationship.
Hi Delbows,
Sounds like 6th grade is a wonderful year of school. My son just finished 6th grade that had a similar Ancient Studies focus in history, literature and they learned some Latin also. He found it very engaging and learned many study skills. I wonder if they can allow him to skip Math and do a tutor, or on-line class as a substitute. Although my son scored very high on the Hanna-Orleans Algebra Readiness test, which he took last October, as a 5th grader as part of the grade skip evaluation, when they moved him to 7th grade honors pre-algebra he had a very challenging time. If he had stayed in 5th and taken the 7th grade math, if would have been "just right" because he could have poured 99% of his energy and time into the Math, but as it was with needing 50% of his time and energy for the rest of school, he just didn't have enought hours in the day to get the 7th grade math into his mind. After about three months, we decided to bring him back to 6th grade math, with pull-out tutoring for 1/3 of the time. Personally, I feel like Math they can always do over the summer or on their own via computer, while History and Literature at their readiness level is something that is much more difficult to provide - but that may just reflect my own child's temperment. good luck whatever happenes!

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