Surprisingly, our schools in podunkville have a very good gifted program. In elementary school, there is a pull-out program (3 hrs/week) for gifted (>130 IQ). I do think this can be elitist, at least at some schools, where it's enrichment (field trips, special programs, etc. that all kids would enjoy) and parents seem to go crazy trying to get their kids into it. We also have a magnet mixed-age class for exceptionally gifted elementary students that is located at one school but has kids bused from all over town--it's self contained, full time and requires > 145 IQ. My kids have really benefitted from this program, but there are some quirky characters (see Trinity's posting about weird & gifted) over the years.

Middle school has honors classes and other classes that group gifted kids. We've selected a charter middle school that has no specific gifted program, but does a wonderful job differentiating curriculum and providing excellent enrichment for all.

My oldest starts high school this year and has honors and pre-AP classes, with gifted homeroom and mentorship opportunities, but I can't tell how that will be yet.