Dottie, I am not opposed to the idea of a double promotion like your son�s situation and probably would have jumped at the offer if it had been available three years ago or even last year. I do not regret that my son was early entranced in the least! There are several different variables to consider in his present situation that suggest that subject acceleration would be a better solution for him at this stage.

The sixth grade teachers and curriculum are out-standing at our school. I don�t want him to miss the study of ancient Greek, Roman, Egyptian and Asian civilizations. Literature class focuses on world mythology which he loves. My daughter developed excellent multi-tasking skills in sixth grade due to all the required projects. DS greatly admires the 6th grade teacher who taught him math last year and hopes to have her as his homeroom teacher, although he clearly wants to attend math class with the junior high math instructor. He really is in need of a positive student-teacher relationship.

I spoke to the admissions officer at the high school our son hopes to attend. He did not balk when I inquired about their consideration of younger students, provided they qualify academically. He did advise that if we were going to grade advance, we do it this year, rather than wait until next year. Athletics and knowledge that the bar would be raised considerably at this particular school curtails our eagerness to place our son two years earlier than the other intellectually gifted and academically talented boys who would be his peers. They offer vast course options with emphasis on math and science, including a multitude of AP classes so if he is accepted; I don�t think academic challenge would be a problem.