Originally Posted by questions
My favorite comment was when I told a good friend about DS's scores in a general way and that we were applying to DYS: "You know, IQ scores don't mean anything and the next time he tests they could be a whole lot lower.". smile


Snarky reply: Oh my, you sound like you're speaking from personal experience!

Patronizing reply: Oh dear, those old wives tales are still going around.

Informative reply: That can be true, if the first test was done very young, but after 5-6 the results become relatively stable. There can be some variation but it's usually due to the person administering the test.

Short reply: hunh.

Daffy reply (to match a daffy remark): Have you ever read "Flowers for Algernon"? I think I'd be worried about the scores going down if DS had been on medication to increase his brain capacity, but since he did it all naturally I'm not too worried about him losing his capacity to learn. But "Flowers for Algernon" was a thought provoking book.