I can't tell you whether your child should see an OT or not without having met him in person. Here is a nice checklist to use when wondering if sensory processing disorder is the problem: http://www.sensory-processing-disorder.com/sensory-processing-disorder-checklist.html

Scroll down the page to find the checklist. If only one or two items in a section fit your child I'd say no, he doesn't need an OT. Generally, many yes responses in any one or more categories would indicate a need for an eval by an OT.

If you pursue an eval with an OT I would ask the therapist what her experience is with both SI eval and treatment AND giftedness. You want a therapist who has experience with both. And understands both.

The other important thing to consider is whether you are managing fine or not. My philosophy is "if it ain't broke, don't fix it." Just because the pediatrician thinks there's a problem doesn't mean you need an eval and treatment IF you don't feel his issues interfere with life. When the sensory issues interfere you should seek help so your child can be successful in daily activities.

A good resource on general sensory processing is "Living Sensationally" by Winnie Dunn. It explains sensory processing exists on a continuum and not all extremes of sensory processing are necessarily "disordered." Another great book on sensory integration disorder is SI and The Child by A. Jean Ayres, PhD. She is the original theorist of SI theory. Go to the source, I say.

There are also many sensory tools that can be used to help highly sensitive children. A good resource on sensory diets is "How Does Your Engine Run?: The Alert Program for Self Modulation. There are lots of good resources on their website. www.alertprogram.com

A good book on alternative approaches to sensory sensitivity is "Too Loud, Too Bright, Too Fast, Too Tight: What to do if you are sensory defensive in an overstimulating world" by Sharon Heller, PhD.

Hope that info helps.

Last edited by doodlebug; 09/08/08 01:52 PM. Reason: oops, corrected my resources