Hello all. I simply have to comment on this question - being mom to a GT kiddo with high sensitivities AND an SI certified OT - couldn't resist to add my opinion and experiences.

SI disorder is NOT correlated with GTness. Overexciteabilities are. There is a very gray area between what is considered an overexciteability and what is considered an SI disorder of modulation (eg: tactile defensiveness). Not all children who display high sensitivities to socks, clothing, sounds, etc. have an SI disorder. But many, many GT kids have the hypersensitivity. The gray area is where the degree of "dysfunction" exists and whether or not one wants to call it a disorder or gift of heightened processing.

It's important to understand that tactile defensiveness and sensory sensitivity is but one aspect of an SI disorder. There are disorders of movement and disorders of modulation. Tactile defensiveness is considered a modulation disorder. But there must be evidence of some underlying sensory system (vestibular, proprioceptive, tactile) functioning incorrectly in order to be considered an SI disorder.

I'll comment more later - but have a patient waiting for me now.