Originally Posted by ss62
I do not know if the school district is using IAS. If they are not, can I request them to?
Yes, you could describe the overall concept and benefits of this tool. You could provide weblinks and/or printouts of sources the school could consult for more information. You can pull this information from the links upthread and put it in the format you would like.

Some schools/districts may take notes as they work together with a parent, specifically for the purpose of drafting policy and practice statements to define a standardized process to use going forward. If they do not make you aware that they are doing this, you may wish to ask.

Then again, your child's school may be one which does not closely define policy/process/practice. Unfortunately, this usually results in a degree of re-inventing the wheel each time an acceleration is being considered.

There is not a one-size-fits-all answer. Hopefully considering a variety of possible approaches and strategies in advance will have you feeling well-prepared and confident to work flexibly with whatever situation presents itself.