Originally Posted by ss62
Overall, the meeting went well.
Good to hear.

Originally Posted by ss62
IAS... I am wondering if I should just wait for the meeting or do something else in the meanwhile.
Suggested next steps:
- Try to obtain the IAS through your local public library (inter-library loan program) as mentioned by ElizabethN.
- or purchase IAS via Great Potential Press. While $269.95 is not insignificant, IMO it is a worthwhile investment in your children. The 10 forms could easily be used, at the rate of 1 each year.
- or type words such as "used copy iowa acceleration scale" into your web browser and purchase a used copy. Several options appear to be available for about $60-$80. Tips on buying IAS 2nd hand:
-- Purchase 3rd edition (current) if possible, but 2nd edition will do, if price is a factor and you get the old version for much less than the 3rd edition.
-- Verify whether the purchase price includes both types of forms, and what quantity of each.
-- If needed, purchase replacement forms or make-do by jotting on paper (such as graph paper to keep the responses tidy).

Come to the meeting prepared with:
- your family members' IAS evaluation forms completed and already discussed at home, to your level of comfort, ensuring that your child, spouse, and self are confident that you are in agreement,
- copy of your family members' completed IAS evaluation forms,
- the IAS manual and a Planning Record form to discuss with the school.

If the school remains uninterested in the IAS, you will still have benefited:
- the contents of the IAS will no longer be a mystery to you, you will not wonder about it, the unknown will have no power over you,
- your knowledge of the IAS will provide a basis for your evaluation/assessment/opinion of the school's data-gathering, discussion, and decision-making
- based on the data your family members provide to IAS prompts at home, your family will have had fruitful conversations in the home prior to the meeting
- you will be confident of making the best decision possible based on the information available at this time... no regrets... just possible future changes in decision, based on new or revised information available at that future time.