sgs, you've received great advice above... I'd just add one tiny note - the discrepancy between your ds' WMI and PSI vs his other subtests is quite large. Was the psych who evaluated him a neuropscyh or was he just tested for giftedness (ability and achievement testing only)? A neuropsych would typically include a few other tests to tease out whether or not there was a reason of significance behind the discrepancy.

I'm not a professional, I'm only a parent but fwiw, I wouldn't discount that there *might* be something behind that discrepancy that's fueling other behaviors and feelings your ds is having. I only mention that because when my 2e ds was the same age as your ds, he was having social difficulties and he seemed to be checked out in the classroom - and it was very easy for me (and others) to think the reason was all due to his obvious intellectual abilities - so it never occurred to me that there might be something that was also a challenge for him.

Best wishes,
