I'm new here and just started this journey. Any thoughts are appreciated. Sorry it's long.

DS just turned 7 last week. He's smart and always have been. We knew from the beginning he's advanced for his age. Giftedness runs in our family and I was identified gifted as a chid. I knew he was gifted. I suspected right at the borderline like I am.

He started public school with TK. In Kindergarten he was approved grade skip to First. We opted to keep him enrolled in Kindergarten (his choice) but get sent out to First Grade ELA and we do First Grade Math at home. He is now in Second Grade. School Administration was hard to deal with. This summer we got him tested and just received the result.

His scores are higher than I had expected! Psych told me it's common to have WMI and PSI index much lower than other indexes. I'm concerned about the huge spread within index. Does this translate to being twice exceptional? We are working through issues with the "absent-minded professor" symptoms at with executive functioning, remembering to do things, slowness to do daily simple tasks. At school I worry if this translates into Learning Disability that might interfere with performing well. His penmanship is not bad but very slow. This might pose a problem in upper grades when he has to write more than a sentence or two. He's forgetting to bring things and not very organized. He makes careless mistakes with math by switching up operands, forgetting to add digits, refusing to show work, etc. Not that he doesn't know how to do it but he's careless and won't check his own work.

He's performing well at school in second grade from what his teacher told me. TK and Kinder was underperformed. He has the ability to moves fast through curriculum and I've seen it. But he says he's ok with the curriculum. But also it's just the beginning and I'm suspecting he will outpace everyone. He works really slow but teacher said he's still able to complete within the allotted time (last year he wouldn't finish work on time). His STAR Reading test shows Grade Equivalence of 5.5. His math scores are very high amongst peers (78% exit of second grade already). His concern is that he hates being the youngest in class. He got teased for it. He has just lost two of his friends in class (they moved to another school) and now he's left with no friends. He tried playing with old Kindergarten friends but got annoyed with the games they play. He's lonely. He doesn't want another grade skip and feeling even more different. I'm not sure if I need to push for more challenge. He's content of not doing extra work. I worry about underperforming and with school being too easy he won't learn how to deal with challenge when things will get harder.

I can't figure out how his numbers translates to real life and would love some help figuring it out. I don't know how to get him the best education choice based on what we know about him and need a direction on where to begin. Do I keep him where he is? Do I find another school? There's so much to figure out. The psych's report leaves me with questions. Are there any red flags I should be looking into based on his score?

Thanks in advance!

Last edited by sgs; 10/17/17 10:49 AM. Reason: removed scores