If someone is going to snub me, I like them to do it right to my face. Most people won't. And at least it makes it clear that this is THEIR problem, not yours.

So if I invite and they decline, I shrug lightly and say, "Oh, too bad. We'll see you along the way then!" Then I walk on with my head held high.

That's great advice, Kriston. I might have to crawl out of my shy shell and give that one a try! grin

That is, by the way, just about the same advice that I just gave to my DS while going to bed tonight. If a kid comes up and provokes you on the playground, then just smile and say "Oh, let's be friends!". Bullies only verbally tease you in order to get you to respond physically so that they can tell on you. If you let them know that you aren't going to play that game, then they will stop. Different situation here, but the same advice applies. Actually the parents are verbally bullying for a social effect, so maybe it is the same situation.... Hummm. Go figure!

Mom to DS12 and DD3