So Kriston, you really nailed me to the wall on this one!

In fact, I might argue that in some ways it might minimize the risk of alienation, vs. say offering materials for differentiation

That is what I was trying to do. smile

DH and I tried to go with the lowest risk highest reward combo, and I definately think we have a good plan.

And my friend just told me this morning I'm over-worrying what people will think. wink

What part of INTJ allows me to pick up everyone's "vibes". Well whatever it is, sounds like Lori's got it too.

It's definately helped me with advocacy efforts. I've been able to head off potential objections by eliminating them before they happen. I'm pretty good at predicting what people's sticking points are by "feeling them out" and gathering info.

But Lori, it's like bothersome background noise, you have to figure out how to tune it out. Or it becomes like a self-fulfilling prophecy........

I've actually engendered some friendships by bold faced walking up to people who clearly seemed annoyed by me and engaging them in conversation. As if it never occured to me that they wouldn't be interested in having a conversation with them. Surprisingly, often they became new friends. smile

Lori, it is hard living in a small town. I grew up in one. ((Shrug)).
You've got bigger fish to fry, yes?