I think it is very important even with very small kids to set boundaries- and it is even more important with gifted kids. Gifted kids NEED to learn to play on their own, and occupy/enrich themselves and not get away with manipulation - they need to also learn when it is appropriate to ask those million questions and when parents need " time out" ... I grew up in a smart family and have two very bright kids but from an early age we learned that parents need " me" time... Gifted kids have a million interests and questions and it always feels bad to tell a curious child " no honey - no more questions- you can ask more questions later " because we do want our kids to be enriched and challenged and learning. However - there is never an " enough" with gifted kids ...they will always be intense- I am completely honest with my kids and tell them when they are getting too exhausting ... I let them know when I reach my limits and I think this has helped them with their social skills with other people as well. Our kids are smart enough to learn to respect us the way we respect them. Yes I will answer your first 10 questions ... yes I will do this project with you for the next hour ( not 5 ) and very importantly ... moms and dad's need to re-charge their batteries sometimes- so today between 5 and 6 - mom is reading in her room - alone - without anyone coming in ;-) !