Hi! I just registered with this site because, like many of you, I want (or maybe I should say need) to find people who can relate to our family's experience.

My husband and I are both very bright and expected our children would be also. However, even with our education in psychology, we often find ourselves overwhelmed by our young children. The oldest, who is nearly 4, is clearly above average and the endless stream of questions, arguing, and attempts at manipulation are exhausting. Though recent behavioral interventions have gone far in helping him be more flexible, which has helped ease the overreactions and emotional sensitivity experienced by so many gifted kids. Now the baby, who is less than a year, is showing signs of being VERY bright. She has well over 30 words, is stringing words together, does her best to sing the ABCs with accompanying ASL (the only thing holding her back is her lack of muscle coordination), and is identifying colors verbally.

As parents, we are trying to just accept that this is them, rather than label them...and at this age that's appropriate. They are both in a Reggio Emilia program, which is wonderful and is meeting their current needs. But, to be blunt, it's scary and isolating. There is no one to commiserate with about how letting my preschooler watch a movie takes an extra 30-60 minutes because of all the questions, plus there are weeks of detailed questions about motive/plot/social interactions that follow. Our extended family just tells us they expected our kids would be smart, and there is no understanding of why we might be worried that our youngest is showing signs of being even brighter than her brother.

To be honest, I feel like I will never have quiet or free time again. Please tell me that isn't the case! I recognize that they are very young and that, in itself, can be difficult. But I also am very cognizant that there will be much bigger problems (academic, social, advocacy needs, etc.) as they grow, and as they are revealing more of themselves and their abilities I am becoming more and more anxious.

In short, someone, please, talk me down! LOL!