Thank you all for sharing your thoughts and experiences!

It�s just nice to hear from other parents who have similar struggles. Much of this has been reassuring to hear what we are doing and planning has worked for others � we have rest time, art and activity stations, and are building some outdoor structures for physical play. The Reggio program is only during the academic year, so we are planning activities for summer, though options are limited where we live (what I wouldn�t give for a museum!). My son is determined to learn to read over the summer�I cannot imagine how much time that will open up for us once he�s mastered that skill! [insert cautious optimism that he�s not overly frustrated during the learning process]

Seeing differing perspectives on having two children, one of which is moving forward so quickly, is interesting. I do find her rapid progress intimidating. Part of that is her personality, as she is already much more challenging than my son ever was when denied what she wants; but is the happiest baby ever otherwise smile. Part of my concern is the social aspect, which is sure to be more difficult as disparities increase between our children and other kids. Not just for our children but also for ourselves. I catch myself focusing on the negative to other parents because at least that�s common ground, but that does a disservice to my kids and myself. Also, the more advanced they are, the more involved we will need to be in their education, be it through online tools, resources, etc. as there are limited options in our area.

All that said, I love my kids and am insanely proud of them. I just identified a need to find other people who �get� it and the unique challenges we are just starting to face. So thank you!