I would agree with much of what everyone else has said. The second child will have the oldest to answer questions and have conversations with. Keeping them stimulated can be an issue, and trying to find something that is NOT electronic is necessary. My oldest loves documentaries, and while he enjoys learning from them, he stays much more stimulated creating things with a cardboard box. It's too easy to get our own peace by sitting them with a "learning" form of electronics, however they have to learn at an early age how to entertain themselves and stimulate themselves. Drawing, puzzles, creating things, building with lego's, snap circuits (when older) are great alternatives. Gifted kids can master skills and topics so quickly, they need to learn how to problem solve and create.
One of my concerns was an inability to learn (since in school they already know most things), so I put my oldest in taekwondo, and that kid has had to learn how to learn!! Music lessons can do the same.