Ok, there's lots here
1) We are in Canada, so the legal situation is different, but lawyers have been involved, and may well be again soon. Actual rule-breaking has occurred, and we have reason to believe that someone lost their job in part due to our situation. Oobleck is great, but once heads start to roll, there are too many heavy objects striking the surface to make much use of it's fluidic properties.
2) re: growth mindset. Dude, yeah, but his teachers not so much. Real damage has been done, and it's going to take some time to fix.
3) re dysgraphia: I am working towards an assessment that might reveal dysgraphia or some such, however at this time, there are bigger fish to fry, and that might have to go by the wayside. The origin of this problem may actually be boredom. He got the idea he's bad at writing when he was doodling instead of writing & he got in trouble for it. He also needs more clear language than most kids (hello ASD) so he kinda got "un taught" writing after he used some cursive, runic, and old english letters in school work in grade 1, the teachers said vague things that he misinterpreted. (you can't make this stuff up). He also got in trouble for some math and science stuff where he knew more than the teacher and between his insistence that 2+2 was 2squared and his poor spelling, he heard some very strong and very problematic messages. In Kindergarden he was capable of writing paragraphs, but he is no longer capable, I think it's mostly anxiety.
3) re: meltdowns. Yes. The union got involved in an unhelpful way. a teacher went on sick leave.
4) re: questions about the programme. We have been told that those questions can only be directed to the SST committee after we accept the placement with the exception of the last one. The placement, once accepted, persists until we convince a new IPRC to alter it, it will be reviewed automatically after one year, but we are already getting a very hard sell. We can reject the decision of the IPRC, but it's not entirely clear what happens if we do so.
RE you-tube: I don't really want him sitting watching you-tube

I just think it would be better for him than getting in trouble multiple times per day for being bored out of his gourd!