Going back to some of your comments about skipping - I really wouldn't worry about ensuring that there aren't any gaps or that she's covered *everything* in grade 1 before skipping the grade. Assuming your curriculum is somewhat similar to what we have there is so much spiraling and review that I would expect a gifted kid to easily catch up and fill anything in if you're talking about an early elementary skip. If your kindergarten program is extremely play based then it might be preferable to skip grade 2 instead of grade 1 so she has a year of desk work style education under her belt first but honestly, for most stereotypical girls that could probably be handled easily as well.

You have lots of great advice above. I would emphasize going through the district website thoroughly and understanding what they do and don't offer. When we started this process it became obvious pretty quickly that a well-informed parent often knew more about their policy and programs than the average administrator.

I'd also emphasize documenting EVERYTHING that they say/promise. We had administrators outright lie to us but I don't have the paper trail to call them on it.

In the end, for children in the regular classroom it really comes down to the teacher. Some teachers will do nothing, others will do amazing things. The best piece of advocacy work that I ever managed was to request a teacher in the spring that was at least willing to deal with a gifted kid the next year.

If there is any chance of having peers that can also make a huge difference. Many schools want to spread the gifted kids out. Advocating for my DS to be in the same class as the other known gifted kid at least meant that there were two kids to differentiate for and we were able to advocate along with the other parents instead of being on our own. Of course, the downside is that they sometimes advocated for things that I couldn't have cared less about, but at least we were harder to ignore as a group. Having another gifted kid in the class at least made DS stand out a little less. With DD this wasn't as much of an issue - she's much better at blending in when she wants to so YMMV.