a million times thank you aeh!!!! This is exactly the information I have been digging for all day.
When I asked about KTEA-3 and how that relates to placement this was the response I received (referenced deeper in a previous post):
"Unfortunately, while standardized assessments provide helpful information on student’s performance relative to age/grade peers, standardized assessments do not provide solid information on real world specific academic instructional levels."
Should i be asking for additional testing to be included in her PLEP so that we can accurately determine a proper grade placement for each subject, or at the very least should they be giving that information from the KTEA to me so that I can make some educated decisions about the types of accommodations she would be best suited for?
If I am understanding you properly about her BD score -- are you saying that the asynchronicity of her development may be masking even higher gifted abilities? That once those skills that are "lacking" catch up she would score higher on these tests? I have read that mental rotation is late to develop in girls. Could this account for the discrepancy?