Thank you all for your thoughtful replies.
I am not worried about this behavior (except when it seems like he will have a meltdown if he can't read his book) but I was hoping his reading style would give me a window into what is going on with him since we are so dizzied up with diagnoses.

JessicaJune - I too am exhausted keeping up with his reading. I was buying used books on Amazon for a while and maxing out my library card. I finally got him Kindle unlimited so that helps.

I am just so dizzy trying to understand him. He can read a 400 page, adult level book (high interest football book about the Mannings) but he can't get himself to do basic school type responsibilities. He races through tests too. He can't wait to be done. He is always first. And he is by no means acing these tests.

Hoping neuropsych testing will give us answers.