Brief history - DS8 remains an enigma. We are getting ready to undergo another round of testing to try to understand his strengths and weaknesses so we can best help him.
In short - he has tested as gifted verbally, other domains pretty average. His achievement scores were much higher across the board. He has a diagnosis of ADHD, visual processing issues and possibly SPD. We thought maybe dysgraphia but his writing is good and fast when he is interested (which is rare) in writing.

To my question - his reading behavior is obsessive and I am wondering if anyone else has experienced this kind of behavior. Perhaps this can give us a clue which 2E direction to go in.

Some habits:
- Need to read constantly - at the dinner table, brushing his teeth, in the car, while tying his shoes... it's like he can't tolerate the world without a book or his e books.
- fast reading - he can read a 400 page book in a day. Obviously he is not reading every word but he comprehends the material.
- rereads books and will very often read random books around the house and car.

Is this behavior normal? Is this his ADHD? His giftedness?

I know I am grasping at straws here but I am desperately trying to understand my son.

Thank you in advance for any input.