I would say that my DS9 is an obsessive reader. I haven't yet met any other moms who make weekly trips to the library to feed their child's passion (but I'm sure that there are some on this forum!) I take big shopping sacks and fill my bags with books. And DS also downloads books onto his ipad using the Overdrive app. I'm not sure many other parents have to monitor the 99 item limit on their library card, but I do.

I would say that I feed into it. If he gets something in his mind that he just has to read, I will drive over to the library to get it for him. As an example, he read something about the ivory billed woodpecker and became obsessed by it. He found a book that he wanted called, "The Lord God Bird." So I went and got it for him that same day. I know there are other moms who think I'm crazy. I guess I figure that he could be spending 10 hours a day playing video games, so this seems like a better option.

My son has been diagnosed with being gifted through his school, but hasn't been diagnosed with anything else, such as ADHD.

These days, I typically don't worry about how late he is staying up to read, unless he starts to seem really grumpy and tired during the day. I do monitor what he is reading.

When you say, "Is this behavior normal?" I have resigned myself to the fact that DS just isn't normal, so I shouldn't expect him to be.