So, first of all -- LOVE this thread and enjoyed reading about your upcoming years. I hope things go very well for all.

As for us -- DS6 is going into 1st. It seems like K was this HUGE build up and 1st is kind of just... not? smile But we have no real anxiety about this year, and that I am VERY excited about.

Many of our questions were answered last year, good and bad (mostly good!), and we expect more of the same this year. We found language immersion was great and kept the majority of K interesting. We expect that to continue into 1st.

The school overall was amazing and supportive and DS had a few intellectual peers in class. He found his tribe.

Math was our disaster last year and we expect it to be this year too.

For this year we heard they're combining the gifted kids across the grade and DS may have a group of ~6 kids all in the same classroom. I hope this is true and if so I might have a little more hope for actual math differentiation. Maybe? I would be excited about that.

DS is going to take math enrichment a year ahead at an after school math academy with a mostly gifted population. His excitement for math kind of died last year in K and never picked up again this summer the way I was hoping. smirk It was like watching a light go out. I'm really excited to see if he enjoys it again once he has a chance to do it in this new environment.