Yes & No.

It's going to be a rough year emotionally. But S17 is honestly doing fairly well. But he is already ready to move out of the house. The good thing is this means he's motivated to pass his classes & apply to colleges and little nagging is necessary. It should be an exciting and fun year. The bad part is even though I know it's developmentally appropriate it can sting when I'm not wanted. Particularly as I know when this kid leave the house (probably next June) he's likely to be GONE except for holidays.

Plus my older D has moved home & the house is feeling a bit crowded. I'm super busy with a start-up. This summer has just flown by.

On the frustrating side. Just found out that S17's H.S. counselor has moved to another school. Uggg. Explaining DS's 2E situation is tricky and she really seemed to get it. He did registration for classes this AM (School start in 9 days) and I should find out in about an hour if that went OK. His counselor was supposed to give him preferential teacher choose as part of his 504 but IDK what a new counselor can do.