I'm anxious about the upcoming school year.

I'll be taking 2 "generals" college classes to test out my ADHD meds and see if I can get through a degree since my ADHD dx.

DS9 is doing public virtual charter school again. He will be doing his schoolwork at the community college campus 2 or 3 days per week. I'm a bit worried about this, but it's hopefully a better situation. I hope he will be less likely to throw oppositional temper tantrums when he is in public.

I'm cautiously optimistic about his schoolwork though. I did a grade-skip acceleration on paper, doesn't affect anything other than he can take high school classes for credit. He'll be taking 2 high school classes, a high school level independent study, and 2 middle school classes. If he doesn't start throwing tantrums because it's "not fun" and he'd "rather do something else" or just "don't wanna do it"..... it will be okay. The odds of no tantrums... very low. He has had a few good days recently, but not enough to give me confidence.

Last edited by sanne; 08/14/16 03:54 PM.