OP - for what it's worth, my DS2 is almost as sassy as your DD. He's not as verbal...yet. He's learning ASL, English, and Spanish so he lags a bit right now. However, he comprehends pretty much everything we are saying and if we say "where is the star?" he'll look right at the star, smirk, then point to the square. *facepalm* He knows, but he thinks it's funnier to get it wrong on purpose. He does tell me "uh uh" and "not like that" then shoves kids/people to the side to teach them his (right) way. He's big into correcting and has a very black and white sense of what should/should not be. I understand how frustrating it can be. We are working with a developmental psychologist and doing some behavior modification with him. He's not very emotionally attuned, but we're working on it. It is SO hard to understand when to treat them on their cognitive level versus chronological age; it's even harder to explain it to others. I get told frequently that when I talk to DS about his feelings and why we do/don't do something people think I'm nuts - that he can't understand me. He does understand fully, but he's also not quite two so he has no impulse control or coping skills yet. Also to that end, when other parents see me get frustrated because of his behavior (fiercely independent) they feel the need to remind me that he's still only two. I'm right there with you, I don't know what I'd do if I had two kiddos, though. One is already a handful!