spaghetti- Did it start at 4 or you finally got past it at 4? I NEED to know someone else had a child come out of the womb this sassy and sucessfully turned it around. It is so hard some days. Having two girls I expected to deal with this attitude at some point, but not this early.I almost think regular two year old tantrums would be less frustrating ( I know, be careful what I wish for right?) Its hard not to wonder at times, if she started like this at 2 what are the teen years going to be like?!

LAF- Your sentence sums up my current delimma exactly. I am very much struggling to tow that line between remembering shes two, but, being terrified if I don't figure out how to start turning this around it could get really out of hand. Especially considering her advanced vocabularly....she may someday be able to easily out talk me.

Last edited by KatieM; 03/25/16 08:06 PM.