Aeh- Thanks for the welcome and thanks for your information on testing. Sounds like we dont have any needs for testing. 2e is also new to me, so my knowledge is limited, but I dont think we have any 2e concerns.

Behavior is what sent me looking for advice on advanced toddlers but I dont think what we are struggling with falls into 2e. Our biggest behavior difficulty is the way she speaks to people. She comes often comes off incedibly rude and disrespectful. She corrects everyone even adults (she is not always correct when shes correcting!) Shes very bossy to kids her own age, either telling them what they are doing wrong as far as rules, or telling them the "correct" way to play with a toy (correct as in how SHE thinks it should be). She has what I call "verbal tantrums" she lashes out with words in an attempt to hurt the feelings of others, mainly me when shes being reprimanded for a behavior. Her outburts and disrespect towards me are the worst of it and it is on the verge of getting out of hand and my current approach obviously isn't working. She is much to young to be speaking like a teenager. She recently started telling me "oh my gosh mom stop telling me that!" As if to say she already knows the rule shes currently breaking I dont need to tell her.

My husband thinks at times I am much to hard on her for being disrespectful. He said that just because she speaks like a 4 year old doesn't mean she IS a 4 year old. He may be right but that leaves me feeling completely lost on what expectations to have for her. I know she understands the words she uses, she understands what unkind words are and what being rude means, because she is quick to point out the same behavior in others.

Then there are times that I have realized some of her intense frustration with me is because Im not always aware of how much she can comprehend. I haven't always validated her feelings because I didn't realize she HAD feelings on certain subjects. I feel that some of our struggles could be avoided if I could better understand when she needs me to treat her more on par with her cognitive abilities and when she needs me to remember shes still just a toddler. This is the point where I went searching for ways to understand her better.