Irena, Sorry I haven't been here for days. Yes, your frustration with your DS is very familiar! DS11 refuses to be guided or corrected for almost anything he does, therefore, private lessons are almost all a waste of money, even for the activities he claims to enjoy, such as piano. He does enjoy but he just wants to do it his own way. We've came to realize that it's not worth it and have stopped all the activities that he does not enjoy or willingly practice without being reminded or nagged. He still swims 5 days a week, completely at his own will and enjoys it, It's just we don't ask him what his times are and when he would like to participate in the meets. On the other hand, his work habits including writing has improved tremendously over the past year, thanks to two very consistent teacher he adores and appropriate level of challenges. History, humanities and writing are where his strength and interests are, so it was not as hard as asking him to change his swimming strokes or run faster smile
My point is it is much more efficient to follow the child's lead and let him be himself and accepting and celebrating who he is.

DS still has melt downs over different things, but we've over the time learned how to cope and help hi manage his emotion.