Originally Posted by chay
I can totally relate to this and it is something that we've worked on for YEARS with DS. Not sure if this has helped but we've really made an effort to model it ourselves whenever we have the chance. I play hockey and so does DS and like your DS he declared very early on that "he knew everything and didn't need to practice". We talked a lot about how even NHL players practice and are always working to improve and how I've played forever and I'm still learning and trying to be better. We've also tried new things as a family where DH and I are learning something alongside the kids and even though you feel ridiculous we've been know to say things like "it's fun to try learn something new".

I'll also say that I've coached hockey for 20+ years and your kid isn't the only 10 year old that can't figure out the left and right thing. With young kids I usually ask them every shift if they are on the side near the stands or near the bench just before they go on and don't even talk about right/left (of course it has to change when the periods change so that is still fun).

Oh, and many coaches I know can't coach their own kids wink Most coaching teams I've been on will put the parent-coach on the opposite end of the bench from their kid for that very reason. I've coached DS for 5 years and this is the first year that he has been able to admit that I actually might be able to offer him some useful advice (well sometimes...lol).

Good luck!

Wow so great to have a hockey dad and coach weigh in! I should have known - you being Canadian and all! wink I like your advice and thoughts. And it is certainly a relief to know he is no the only squirt still struggling with where to stand during a face off!

Last edited by Irena; 03/03/16 08:20 PM.