Personalized Learning is not about having an IEP. It is an approach to teaching/learning which is more student-centered, and it is an approach for ALL students. Personalized learning is defined as adjusting the pace (individualization), adjusting the approach (differentiation), and connecting to the learner's interests and experiences. Personalization is broader than just individualization or differentiation in that it affords the learner a degree of choice about what is learned, when it is learned and how it is learned.

My DS does have a 504 which puts great accommodations into place for dysgraphia as well as some for staying on task. As far as I know, at least half of the math work is done via computer using tools such as Khan Academy, IXL and various math games where he doesn't need to show his work. He just gets distracted easily when he isn't really interested and engaged in the work.

His distraction isn't just in this class and has been an issue now since first grade, and the school has tried various things to keep him on track. He has had varying degrees of success of staying on track depending on how well the teacher works with him. I really suspect in this case with his math teacher she just isn't giving him the support he needs. I don't know how much she pays attention to his 504 other than allowing him to type when he wants and to reduce the number of problems, because those are easy accommodations to do. In fact a few weeks ago I wrote her an email specifically asking her to let him use a particular accommodation which she hadn't offered because he was behind in his LA work (he has the same teacher for LA and math).

I'm just trying to understand before I bring it up to the Asst Principal if it is 1) the teacher is not doing her job OR 2) my expectation of what he can accomplish is incorrect.