Does anyone have experience with personalized learning with a child who doesn't have strong Executive Function skills and/or has dysgraphia? What types of support did a teacher or parent give to help the student stay on task when the child wasn't progressing as fast as other children not because of an inability to understand the material but because he/she would wander the room and get distracted? What about how to support the child when he has a slower work speed because of dysgraphia?

I'm a bit frustrated after meeting with DS8's gifted math teacher as she eluded (but didn't state) to him being behind other children in the curriculum because he likes to wander around the room, going group to group chatting with other children, and he gets distracted by things going on around him. He is also dysgraphic, and while most assignments are on computer (which is a big help to him) and he has appropriate accommodations he still avoids tasks because of the writing component. Also if it isn't engaging to him, he will avoid it. I know he is not having trouble understanding the material because when I have had to teach him a concept at home (because she didn't explain it in class before assigning the homework!!), he has no trouble understanding the information. She has never said that he has trouble understanding the material either and has commented how he doesn't need as much practice as other children to understand a concept (one of his accommodations is only doing half the math problems if given a worksheet).

My expectation is that the teacher should have supports in place to help with his lower EF skills as well as dysgraphia so that these are not a reason he can't learn at the rate at which he understands the material. Is this an unrealistic expectation? With personalized learning will students who have EF challenges and/or dysgraphia not progress as fast as other children who have similar cognitive abilities but no challenges? Is this teacher just not doing the job she should be doing to support DS8?