That said, many of the descriptions really do sound like my DD, but they're so different from typical descriptions and diagnostic criteria for ASD (which it must be said, DD does not meet--no obsessions, no social issues that are noticeable to people other than...seemingly...her parents, no repetitive behaviors). In some ways the lists strike me as mostly describing...gifted, sensitive, creative, nonconformist girls? Which would be quite a few girls. I wonder how many parents of girls here who think their girls are NT would identify with some of the descriptions. Also, I have always bridled at the idea that "reading" can be an ASD "obsession." (How many of us and our kids have such an "obsession"??)

Also a bit turned off by the bits about "psychic powers," etc.

But this all could be because, as is often posited, we do not understand ASD girls. IDK. It's certainly an area in flux.