Hi, thanks, ElizabethN. Yes, from what I've read, it sounds like a lot of women and girls with asd/aspergers are very good at hiding, even from themselves, the issues and stress they deal with due to sensitivities and other aspects of aspergers.
Social interaction is not terribly confusing to me, but it does seem like 'work'...also, I sometimes feel like I'm on two ends of a pendulum. Sharing about on the level of a 'guy', as in not much, but boy if a subject comes up that I'm interested in, it's hard to shut me up.

Ultramarina, yes I think I saw this person's site, but only checked out the page regarding young girls, preschool age, that was really interesting - https://taniaannmarshall.wordpress....rger-syndrome-in-young-girls-pre-school/

I will check out the rest of the site, for info on women. thank you.