Please let me know if you have any good resources, even threads on this forum, for info on girls or women with aspergers, both for myself and my daughter. Neither of us have an official diagnosis, but as I read about this for my ds, lots of things ring a bit of a bell.
After reading about specifics online for **girls** with aspergers/asd, a whole lot MORE rings a bell.
I am just finishing up reading 'Aspergirls', not sure I love the word "aspergirls", and the book is fairly anecdotal, however it is interesting and does point out some areas for caution which I had not thought of previously. I have recently been assessed and will get results soon (pretty sure I at least failed the test of continuous performance which I guess is for identifying folks with add...sigh).
Maybe the word aspergirls is just about perfect, however...intending to be witty and funny, but just ends up somewhat awkward.
Last edited by chris1234; 02/16/16 10:07 PM.